Hello friends! Welcome to the MAP (daily/weekly/monthly) Blog. We will be updating you in the future about current school plans and ideas!
From the beginning of the school year, the eighth graders have been creating and planning their own individual projects. The purpose of this was to engage students and improve our community. The next step, after presenting to our peers, was that the MAP class voted for which project would be put into place. The chosen project will then continue through the rest of the school year allowing the whole school to participate. The hope is that the project will impact not only the school, but the community itself.
On January 6 of this year, the eighth graders of MAP presented their impactful projects. They researched and planned throughout the fall semester. One particular student, Sofia Jann, focused on vermiculture. She was originally inspired by her mother, who has already been using vermiculture methods at home to fertilize her garden, recycling the family’s food scraps and yard waste. Having seen the obvious advantages to vermiculture in her own home, Sofia decided to propose vermiculture to her school community. She spent months perfecting her ideas and finally presented them. She won the overall vote of the MAP kids and administration. The very next day, she came up with a very detailed and organized plan on how we would complete her idea. So far, she has been a very good leader and knows exactly how she wants all of her plans to be complete and to look like in the future. Hopefully, this idea should continue to thrive and impact many students and families in the future.
The MAP class is now engaged with bringing the project to the school. They will be educating other classes, reaching out for donations, and informing people like you. They are now gathering materials for the project and figuring out how it will be done. Hopefully this has inspired you and many others to help with our efforts and support MAP throughout the entirety of the school year. If you want to learn more or are interested in volunteering your time or making donations, please email map@montessoricenter.org.
Thanks for reading! Hasta La Vista!