A Blog post about blogging

Definitions from Oxford Languages ·




  • a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.


  • add new material to or regularly update a blog.
    “it’s been about a week since I last blogged”

While a blog can be written about any topic, there are a few questions we need to answer when we are planning a blog post. First, we should consider what TYPE of post do we want to write- Will it be a ‘How to’ or tutorial? Is there something we learned that other people might find interesting? Would a post that lists favorites be interesting to others? Could we offer recommendations, or tips to help people with certain tasks, like ‘10 things to practice to improve your soccer game’, or ‘6 local restaurants that are perfect for middle school students and teens’? Maybe we could create a personal post about what we like in a friend, or a great trip we went on for class. Creating a blog that shows off our artwork or photography might also be interesting…

Second, we should consider what STYLE we want our blog post to be. A great way to figure out what style works best, is to check out other blogs that you really like. Here are a few links to help you figure out what styles you like:






While there are still a lot of things to learn about blogging, considering what type of post we want to create, along with what style we want our blog to be will help us get started. Have fun, and get blogging!